About Us

Stewarton Woodlands Action Trust

Conserve > Educate > Restore > Regenerate

Stewarton Woodlands Action Trust (SWAT), is a voluntary community organisation with charitable status. Its membership is made up of volunteers from varying walks of life but all with the same aims, which are to “conserve, regenerate and promote the restoration of predominantly native woodlands in the geographical area of Stewarton”.

Since the organisation was founded in 2004, its volunteers have planted many trees in and around the district, some of which have been paid for by donations from local benefactors.

We meet twice a month for work sessions, usually on a Sunday morning. Several of our volunteers, who are retired, also make themselves available to do extra woodland and estate management tasks whenever the need arises.

Some of our volunteers have been trained to use chain saws safely, enabling them to undertake woodland management tasks that might otherwise need to be outsourced.

There is also a social aspect to SWAT, as we have refreshments together after each of our regular ‘work sessions’, and get together at Christmas and also during the summer months for a barbecue.


We’re always looking for new volunteers.  Please get in touch if you have some time to offer and would like to become involved in our activities. Prospective volunteers are very welcome to come to any of our regular work sessions that are normally scheduled for the second and fourth Sunday mornings of each month.

Some volunteers after a Sunday morning work session in Lainshaw Woods, Stewarton

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I know if someone chopping down a tree or taking away logs from Lainshaw Woods is authorized to do so?
The Lainshaw Woods area is covered by a tree protection order (TPO/8/1984) so no-one should be chopping down trees without permission. Of course, gales may fell trees that can then become a danger or an obstruction. In such cases, SWAT carries out woodland management with the permission of the relevant landowner. SWAT volunteers using power tools such as chainsaws will normally wear official SWAT hi-vis tabards that feature the SWAT owl’s head logo on the back and on the left breast. If you are concerned about any unusual logging activities in Lainshaw Woods, please contact us.

Q: Does SWAT own or maintain the children’s playground equipment that can be found in Lainshaw Woods, just off David Dale Avenue?
  No. The playground equipment is neither owned nor maintained by SWAT.

Q: To whom do I report defective steps, bridges or other broken hard landscaping in Cunningham Watt Park?
  SWAT has no official responsibility for maintaining any aspect of Cunningham Watt Park. However, if you contact us, we will forward the information to the relevant organization.

Q:  When are the regular, scheduled SWAT work sessions?
A:  The work sessions are normally on the 2nd and 4th Sunday mornings of each month from 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m., followed by refreshments at the SWAT shipping containers. (If you have a SWAT Calendar, the planned dates for which SWAT work sessions are scheduled are marked as ‘Work Days’.)

Q:  Where do you meet for work sessions?
A:  We have two metal shipping containers at the western end of the paved lane that runs parallel to, and to the north of, Montgomerie Drive. The shipping containers are on the right-hand verge just before the lane turns left and down to the entrance of the Waste Water Treatment Works (WwTW) that is operated by Scottish Water.

Location of SWAT shipping containers (indicated by a red circle)

Q: Who manages SWAT?
A: The charity is managed by a board of trustees, all of whom are unpaid volunteers.

Q: Can I walk my pet dog in Lainshaw Woods?
Yes, dogs are allowed. As a service to dog walkers, a few of our SWAT volunteers have installed and maintain some ‘dog poo’ bins.

Q: Does SWAT own Lainshaw Woods?
  No. The woods are the property of local landowners. SWAT owns no land. SWAT carries out woodland and estate management tasks with the permission of the associated landowners.

Q: I’ve noticed that several benches in Lainshaw Woods appear to have been sponsored by local individuals or families. How much is it to have a memorial bench installed, and what options for bench design and plaques are available? Also, who maintains the benches?
A: There is no standard arrangement for having memorial benches sourced, installed and maintained. Please get in touch with the trustees using the details shown on our Contact page to discuss what arrangements may be able to be made for a new bench. Please note that neither SWAT nor East Ayrshire Council owns Lainshaw Woods. The woods are the property of local landowners.

Q: Why haven’t I received any reply to an email to SWAT that I sent a few days ago?
 Sometimes incoming emails are incorrectly flagged as ‘Spam’ by Google and can be overlooked temporarily. For urgent matters, please phone using the details provided on our Contact page.

Q: Is SWAT’s Nature Trail through Lainshaw Woods fully accessible to visitors with mobility issues?
A: No. In particular, on the riverside path between the Waste Water Treatment Works and Anderson’s Mount there is a series of steep steps that can be problematic for visitors with mobility issues. This location is clearly keyed as ‘STEPS’ on the Nature Trail map. You can avoid these steps by following the instructions for Walk #2 on our Local Walks page.

Q: How is SWAT funded?
A: We currently get funds from donations by individuals, local businesses and from our own fund-raising activities, including the sale of SWAT calendars, fruit jams and jellies, bird feeders and nest boxes. In the first few years of its existence, the organisation also received awards totalling £29,463 from The National Lottery Community Fund.

Q: How do I make a charitable donation to SWAT?
  Please get in touch with the trustees using the details shown on our Contact page. Other ways of supporting SWAT include buying our annual SWAT calendar, using easyfundraising.org.uk to generate donations from retailers when shopping online, and purchasing items from the SWAT stall at local community events. SWAT usually has a stall in Avenue Square at Stewarton’s annual Yuletide Event.

Q: Can I donate money to SWAT using PayPal?
A: No. SWAT does not have a PayPal account. If you would like to make a monetary donation to the charity by bank transfer, please get in touch with the trustees using the details shown on our Contact page.

Q: Why do the Facebook links on the SWAT Information Panels for the Lainshaw Woods Nature Trail not work?
A: SWAT’s original Facebook page experienced issues and its maintainer chose to create a new page, with a different web address, rather than reinstate the original page. Consequently, all references to the old Facebook page no longer work and all memberships of the associated Facebook Group disappeared. The new Facebook page was created on 28 February 2023 and can be found at https://www.facebook.com/groups/208326808405159 It is anticipated that corrections to the Nature Trail Panels and other affected materials will be made in due course, but this is a low priority. Please accept our apologies for any confusion or inconvenience caused. Anyone who was a member of the old Facebook Group, and whose membership suddenly vanished, is invited to apply to join the Group associated with the new page.

Q: What are the Stated Aims of the Charity?
A: The charity’s officially declared purposes are:

  • To conserve, regenerate and promote the restoration of predominantly native woodlands in the geographical area of Stewarton as an important part of Scotland’s native environment for the benefit of the public.
  • To advance education for the public benefit concerning the natural environment of the area of Stewarton.

Q: Is there an official Tree Protection Order (TPO) covering Lainshaw Woods?
A: Yes, TPO/8/1984, that has been in place for decades, covers the area.

Q: Is SWAT a member of the Community Woodlands Association (CWA)?
A: Yes. The CWA does not require members to own, or to be in the process of acquiring ownership of, woodlands. Find out more about the Association on the CWA website.

Q: What are the main non-native, invasive plant species found in Lainshaw Woods?
A: Japanese Knotweed, Giant Hogweed, and Rhododendron Ponticum. Giant Hogweed is hazardous to humans as it contains a toxic sap and all parts of the plant should be avoided. Find out more by reading our Giant Hogweed Identification Guide.

Q: Does SWAT organise any social events in addition to its regular woodlands and estate management activities?
A: Yes. There is a get-together for refreshments at the SWAT shipping containers after each work session. Also, each year there is a summer barbecue and a Christmas dinner for volunteers.

Q:  When and where are regular organisational meetings held?
Meetings to discuss current and future activities are normally held approximately quarterly, starting at 7 or 7.30 p.m. on a weekday evening, and lasting up to two hours. Historically, venues have varied but future meetings are likely to be held in the ‘Community Hub’ building in Rigg Street, near Stewarton Cross. Details of upcoming SWAT Volunteer meetings are published on this website and are also provided to volunteers by email or WhatsApp messaging.

Q: When is SWAT’s AGM?
  It usually takes place in Spring each year. After a firm date is fixed this is normally intimated on this website, on our Facebook page, and in an email (or WhatsApp message) to volunteers.

Q: Is there a membership fee to join?
  No. There is no fee to become a SWAT volunteer.

Q: How old is SWAT?
A: Founded in 2004, the organisation took on its current legal form when it was converted to a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) on 24 May 2017. SWAT celebrated its 20th anniversary on 21st July 2024.

Q: Are there any employment vacancies at SWAT?
  No. SWAT is managed and operated by unpaid volunteers. It has no employees.

Q: Is there a Public Access Defibrillator (PAD) located in the vicinity of Lainshaw Woods?
A: Yes. A defibrillator has been installed on the roadway-facing surface of the rear garden wall of No. 28 Montgomerie Drive. The defibrillator is accessed from the paved lane that runs parallel to, and to the north of, Montgomerie Drive and leads to the Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW) operated by Scottish Water. If you witness a cardiac arrest you should call 999 immediately and the ambulance service can provide you with assistance, including informing you of the location of the nearest in-service defibrillator.

History – A brief summary

2004: 21st July. A group of like-minded people from the Stewarton area band together to help conserve, regenerate and promote the restoration of predominantly native local woodlands. The name Stewarton Woodlands Action Trust is adopted and the group becomes known locally as SWAT. (Source: OSCR website)

2006: 15th December. The group is awarded a grant of £9,517 by The National Lottery Community Fund for project management; governance; committee responsibilities; legal requirements; preparing funding proposals; and acquiring monitoring and evaluation skills and knowledge.

2007: 14th February. SWAT is awarded a grant of £10,000 by The National Lottery Community Fund for drainage; posts and rails; stairways, surface materials; and boardwalks.

2008: 15th January. East Ayrshire Council offers SWAT a grant of £11,750 to develop signage, interpretation and sculpture, and to help purchase tools.

2008: 21st April. SWAT holds its 4th Annual General Meeting in The Centre, Stewarton.

2009: 7th January. A private company limited by guarantee and without shares is registered at Companies House in Edinburgh. The official company name is Stewarton Woodlands Action Trust and the company registration number is SC353125. The initial Directors are Ann Sinclair, Campbell Paterson, Brian Slaughter and Martin Picken. (Source: Companies House)

2010: 26th August. SWAT is awarded a grant of £9,946 by The National Lottery Community Fund for hard landscaping in Cunningham Watt Park including installation of gabion cages; dismantling of existing bridges; installation of a wooden pedestrian bridge; and supervision of the works.

2011: 30th November. SWAT registers domain name stewartonwoodlands.co.uk as a first step in establishing a presence on the Internet. (Source: Nominet)

2013: SWAT assists the school’s Gardening Club to plant a small woodland in the grounds of Lainshaw Primary.

2014: Stewarton’s Sainsbury store adopts SWAT as its chosen local charity for the year.

2014: 23rd March. SWAT and Stewarton Academy’s Interact Club carry out a litter pick jointly.

2017: 24th May. SWAT formally converts to a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO). The charity number is SC035744. This supersedes limited company number SC353125 which is now officially designated as ‘closed/converted’ by Companies House. (Source: Companies House)

2019 – 2020: With the help of two P3 classes, one hundred small trees and shrubs are planted in Lainshaw Primary School grounds.

2020 – 2021: The importance of Lainshaw Woods as an outdoor public space is evidenced by increased footfall during the COVID-19 lockdowns.

2022: 1st October. SWAT delivers a presentation on its recent and planned activities to the Stewarton Gardening Club.

2022 – 2023: A new programme of planting native tree species in public spaces around Stewarton begins with sites including the grounds of the Rose Reilly Sports Centre and locations within Cunningham Watt Park.

2024: 21st July. The group has its 20th birthday.

The above timeline is not intended to be comprehensive. It indicates key dates in the establishment and development of the charity, and some examples of its work.