In March 2025, SWAT’s planned work sessions are scheduled for the mornings of Sunday 9th and Sunday 23rd.
A SWAT members’ meeting will take place in the Stewarton Community Hub on Rigg Street (next to Stewarton Cross) at 7pm on Thursday, 20th March.
Recent gales have resulted in a number of mature trees being blown down around Stewarton. Volunteers from SWAT have assisted with clearing fallen trees from the paths and nature trail in Lainshaw Woods.

Works to repair woodland paths last year were completed, thanks to materials and manpower donated by QTS Group.

Please visit our Posts page for details of other recent announcements.
2024 marked the twentieth year that Stewarton Woodlands Action Trust (SWAT) has been working towards its official aims of:
- conserving, regenerating and promoting the restoration of predominantly native woodlands in and around Stewarton
- advancing education for the public benefit concerning the local natural environment
Woodland Management
Regular Work Sessions
Our regular work sessions are scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Sunday mornings of each month. The dates are highlighted on the SWAT Calendar. The work sessions are normally from 09.30 to 11.30 a.m., followed by refreshments at the SWAT shipping containers in Lainshaw Woods.
Recent work sessions have involved:
- planting trees and maintaining previous tree-planting sites
- clearing up fallen trees and branches
- unblocking drainage channels
- litter picking
- cutting back overhanging branches and vegetation impinging on footpaths
Please get in touch if you would be interested in getting involved in future SWAT activities.
Recently, we’ve been glad to have the help of local volunteers who got involved as part of their work towards achieving Duke of Edinburgh Awards.
The 2025 Christmas Dinner for SWAT volunteers took place at Gilmartins, 2 Avenue Square, Stewarton, and was a great success.
We recently had a small celebration to note the length of SWAT’s existence. On the morning of Sunday, 8th December, we welcomed SWAT volunteers and visitors to Lainshaw Woods to help us toast 20 Years of SWAT.
Copies of the new 2025 calendar are now available. SWAT is grateful to the local businesses and organisations that sponsored pages in the calendar.
Thanks to everyone who supported us by visiting the SWAT stall at the recent Stewarton Yuletide Event.
Community Updates
A 24/7 Public Access Defibrillator is now installed in the vicinity of Lainshaw Woods. Find out more here.
If you witness a cardiac arrest you should call 999 immediately and the ambulance service can provide you with assistance, including informing you of the location of the nearest in-service defibrillator.

Invasive, Non-Native Plants in Lainshaw Woods
Giant Hogweed is a dangerous invasive species that produces toxic sap. All parts of the plant should be avoided. We have produced an updated Giant Hogweed Identification Poster. Distribution of Giant Hogweed in the UK is widespread. It is often found near rivers and other watercourses. Around Stewarton, it is mainly found on or near the banks of the Clerkland Burn and Annick Water. In addition to the information provided here and on the NNSS website, you can find a useful video summary published on Instagram by Danielle Gallacher.
Japanese Knotweed is highly invasive and can quickly crowd out native plant species. Once established, it is difficult to eradicate. Several stands of Japanese Knotweed are present in Lainshaw Woods including on the slope below The Viewpoint.
Rhododendron Ponticum is the only species of rhododendron that is officially designated as an non-native, invasive weed in Scotland. SWAT controls specimens of Rhododendron Ponticum in Lainshaw Woods by digging them up and then destroying them safely by burning.
Activities from Previous Work Sessions